Donate to Giggles & Grace

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How You Can Help

Future Projects

Where does your donation go from here? All donations made through this website will go directly to the children we serve at Giggles & Grace. In the past, donations such as yours have paid for numerous playground improvements, which include a sun shelter, arch swing, and several pieces of outdoor sports or play equipment. If you donate today, your contributions will be a part of the funding the project shown below [Here are some projects we have completed with donations like yours]:

Shaded Shelter and Arch Swing

The Shaded Shelter was constructed in 2017 in addition to the Arch Swing being installed that same year with the support of a Rural Community Grant from Northwest Farm Credit Services combined with the Giggles & Grace Fall Fun Fest funds that were raised in that event with the support of our families, staff, board members, and local communities.

LED Energy Saving Lighting

In 2020, Giggles & Grace took part in an LED Energy Saving Rebate Project, that was supported by Idaho Power, to ensure appropriate lighting for all operations as well as save money on power and fluorescent bulbs to be reinvested in our facility to the benefit of the children we serve. Giggles & Grace paid for a portion of this project through Fall Fun Fest funds too.

Thank you for your gracious support.  Your donation
will positively impact children for years to come!